About Us

We have been working in the agriculture business for 30 years. After college, Brett started working on his parents cattle ranch in Texas, learning the ropes and growing in the knowledge of cattle and land. Lisa worked as a Dental Hygienist until retiring to start a family. In 2008 we purchased our ranch and cattle in Oklahoma combining our efforts and working exceedingly hard to balance the health of our cattle and their environment. We started with mostly Angus cattle and eventually added Mashona genetics.

Around the same time, we also started our commercial hunting operation. We initially had 1 blind and 1 hunter, growing the operation as finances allowed. We only harvest fully mature deer and have managed the doe/buck ratio very carefully. This segment of our business has grown into a wonderful mixture of new and repeat hunters from all over the United States.

We kicked around the idea of running goats for years before we actually did it. We started by purchasing Syfan Spanish goats along with a couple of livestock guardian dogs (Akbash and Kangal). We had no experience with goats, but dedicated ourselves to managing these animals in the most natural way we could, as we had already been doing with the cattle.

There has been a large learning curve as we’ve navigated the best methods of success on our property, but over the years we have been observant and flexible and therefore have managed to develop a working model for our property and livestock. Brett’s motto has always been “Observe and Adjust”

Our goal is to work in-sync with nature and without the use of chemicals as we manage the land and animals while promoting a healthy lifestyle.